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Fish Monitoring and Identification Course

Comprehensive Once Off Fish Survey Requires Multiple Methods

We recently held a fish monitoring and identification course. Thirteen people attended from consultancies and Auckland Council. On day one we went through the tables of the NZ Freshwater Fish Sampling Protocols (2013). This enabled us to compare and discuss efficiency of sampling methods. In the afternoon we went out and electric fished the Oruamo Stream. This revealed Kōura, shortfin eels and redfin bullies. We set fine mesh fykes and g minnow traps. The following day we checked these traps which revealed shortfin eels, longfin eels, smelt, banded kokopu and Kōura. For a once off survey we would recommend using both sampling techniques if the water is suited for it. Many thanks to Ecology NZ who brought their electric fishing back pack unit. It was a great opportunity to talk with practitioners and share experiences.